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If you have come this far, you may find it useful to know that there are lawyers specialized in child pornography, which, due to the nature of the crime itself, is one of the most complex and delicate that can be carried out nowadays. Therefore, enter here before anything else and consult with the greatest specialists in this subject to be able to defend your interests with the greatest professionalism. A criminal lawyer is a lawyer specialized in criminal law, that is to say, in the laws that regulate the crimes and the corresponding penalties. His job is to defend people accused of having committed a crime, either in a trial or in a previous negotiation with the Prosecutor's Office. The work of a criminal lawyer begins from the moment a client is arrested or turns himself in to the police. From that moment on, the lawyer is responsible for informing the client of his or her rights and making sure that these rights are respected during the process. He is also responsible for collecting evidence and testimony that can help his client, as well as interviewing witnesses and experts. Once the case goes to trial, the criminal defense attorney is responsible for presenting a strong defense on behalf of his or her client. This may include presenting evidence, calling witnesses and arguing on behalf of his or her client. The attorney is also responsible for negotiating plea agreements with the prosecution, if possible. In Palladino Pellón Abogados you will find the best legal advice in legal matters. Here you have at your complete disposal an experienced team of criminal lawyers, prepared to deal with any question you may have. In our humble opinion, choosing this law firm will be the best decision you can make. They have offices in Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona, as well as a 24-hour emergency telephone number, an aspect that must also be taken into account. More than 2 decades of experience and results make them one of the best criminal law firms in Spain. Take a look here at some of the well-known cases in which they have taken part. Trust one of the best teams of lawyers with expertise in all kinds of crimes. When it comes to finding sexual abuse lawyers, you have to rely on ones that are as experienced as these. These are sexual abuse lawyers with extensive experience. Enter this website now: expert sexual abuse lawyers. If you are looking for a child pornography lawyer we recommend you to enter here, as it is not easy to find a fully specialized child pornography lawyer. Discover in this place who are the best child pornography lawyers today. If you are looking for criminal lawyers to advise you in a professional manner, we have to tell you that one of the best options that you will be able to find is precisely this criminal law firm that we show you here. You will see that you are in good hands, with professionals with extensive experience and who will work proactively to achieve the best possible result in each of the matters that you present to them. If you have any type of consultation we recommend that you use any of the information channels to which you have access through their own web page. You will be able to see how their attention is one hundred percent personalized. In this Criminal Law Firm you will find the Best Criminal Lawyers. Trust in Palladino Pellon Criminal Lawyers. Access this address: Criminal Defense Lawyers in Spain